Death From Covid-19 In A Nursing Home
There were epic failures in the preparation, management, and handling of the coronavirus pandemic in nursing homes. Losing a loved one is never easy. Losing a loved one at the wrong time and for the wrong reason is not acceptable.

If you lost a loved one in a nursing home during this pandemic a lawsuit is an option to consider. The sad reality is that the true number of people who died in nursing homes is likely never to be known. A great many of these deaths were preventable and should never had occurred. Speaking to truth, simple neglect and greed is where the failures stem from. No amount of money will undue the harm or make up for the pain of a loved one. However, seeking accountability and obtaining compensation is the legal remedy you and your family deserve. Lawsuits also send a clear and powerful message to corporate America that we the people will not sit back and stay silent.

It is a tragic and wrenching fact that our seniors were treated like chattel. Doors were locked, access was denied, proper treatment was withheld. As of Labor Day 2020, New York recorded nearly 24,000 Covid-19 deaths. Of this, 6,500 were residents of nursing homes. (The true number will likely never be known, but it is surely higher.) Nursing homes owe their residents the highest level of care that is practicable. That simply means that they must act reasonably, responsibly, and in the best interests of our seniors. Claiming that this pandemic caught them off guard, that they did the best they could under the circumstances, or that they simple could not prevent the harm will not cut it. Even before there was an inkling about this coronavirus, the nursing homes was put on notice by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to start emergency preparation for a virus. Unfortunately, and as occurs all too often, nursing homeowners and operators put their pockets ahead of their residents.

Your loved one is irreplaceable. The loss is painful and traumatic. A lawsuit is the legal way to speak out, hold the wrongdoer accountable, and obtain monetary compensation. This coronavirus has caused fear and upheaval across our great land. Much of this was and is due to systematic failures. Failures to follow safe and accepted nursing home standards of care, a lack of basic emergency preparation, and simple greed. Hiring staff costs money, buying personal protective equipment costs money, implementing safety protocols costs money. However, the alternative causes preventable harm and death. Profits over people is never acceptable.

A nursing home is supposed to be a safe, secure, clean. It is not supposed to be worrisome, or in short, a place to warehouse people until they die. Nursing home operators tell us they will care for our ageing loved one, as we would want to be cared for ourselves. We will provide a safe environment, activities, hot meals, a warm bed, they say. Tragically, that is not what occurred during this pandemic.

We represent people and their families. We believe that Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes are the likely result of failure of the care facility to follow safety protocols. The blame is theirs, not yours. Please consider this measure of justice for your parent or loved one and hold those responsible accountable.
If you or someone you know is injured please consider contacting Adams Law Firm, P.C. We have a successfully advocated on behalf of those injured due to harm, abuse and neglect throughout New York State and Northern New Jersey. There is no legal fee until we are successful.

Should you have any question, please contact us toll free at 888-MY-911-LAW (888.699.1152), or by email at [email protected]. Thank you.